VIKTOR cli - Could not clear entities and entity types: status code 504

Which SDK and Platform version are you using?

VIKTOR cli: v0.9.3

Current Behavior

The VIKTOR-cli was no longer able to clear entities and returned the following error message:
Could not clear entities and entity types: status code 504.
Rebooting my laptop solved the issue

Expected Behavior

The cli should be able to clear entities and if not, return a more explicit explanation of the failure

Context (optional, but preferred)

I doubt that this had to do with your laptop. Exit code 504 is a standardized HTTP exit code that signals a gateway timeout (504 Gateway Timeout - HTTP | MDN).

Last Thursday the platform experienced some issues which I think might have caused your error.

I have received the same error (but with different status code) multiple times as well:

Exiting because of an error: Could not clear entities and entity types, status code 502

It only happens when I have a lot of entities in my database (500+).

Running the same command a few times eventually clears the database and returns a:

Successfully cleared entities and entity types

This issue has been resolved with CLI version v0.19.1, where we have introduced retries. See cli v0.19.1 release