Text in DynamicArray

Description of the limitation and why it is relevant to address

As a developer I want to add text in a DynamicArray to define different sections in a row to make organizing and presenting fields in a much cleaner way. E.g.:

The image above represents a row in a Dynamic Array, where I define both the origin of a point, as well as a normal vector of the plane. It would have been much neater if I could give these fields a small heading above the fields of the origin (“Origin location of plane”) as well as the plane vector fields (“Plane normal vector”).

I think this is relevant for the VIKTOR platform because it would make the current rules of the parametrization more consistent both outside as well as inside a DynamicArray.

Submitter proposed design (optional)

Allow Text (as well as other fields, such as OutputField (community post here)) in a DynamicArray.

Current workarounds
