Scientific notation in NumberFields

Description of the limitation and why it is relevant to address

As a user of the webapps I sometimes deal with parameters of significant size and sensitivity (2e7 vs 2e8 for example for a E-modulus). These numbers are always written in full in numberfields (e.g. 20000000 and 200000000 respectively) - which makes quickly checking their correctness more difficult than necessary.

Submitter proposed design (optional)

Allow a setting in NumberFields to allow scientific E notations, which enhances readability of our apps.

Current workarounds


I share this frustration. However, the proposed solution would not work for me, since our users are not used to scientific notation. An alternative solution that would work for us would be to add thousand separators to a NumberField. This is also related to Decimal notation table input option Dutch.

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Is there a plan to implement this feature?
I have results that are very small numbers and this feature is quite critical for me.