Exiting because of an error: request returned 403

VIKTOR connector v5.20.0
VIKTOR SDK v13.8.0
Development Enviroment: Windows 10/Visual Studio Code/venv/python 3.10
I have created an app and it works perfectly under the Development environment. I am now trying to publish it and I am getting an error. In Visual Studio code, I issue the following commands:
First, I list the apps:

PS D:\viktor\tp_box> viktor-cli apps

The following apps are connected to your account:

Name           | Full name                                                     | Latest tag | SDK version | Status   
topologicpy101 | topologicpy101.580528fe-2fc3-4d0c-82df-5d2e7fe18317.viktor.ai | v0.1.0     | 13.8.0      | published
topologicpy102 | topologicpy102.580528fe-2fc3-4d0c-82df-5d2e7fe18317.viktor.ai | -          |             | created

Then I issue the command to publish the app

PS D:\viktor\tp_box> viktor-cli publish --registered-name topologicpy102 --tag v0.1.0

I get:
INFO: No git repository detected, fall back to filesystem.
INFO: Encountered virtual environment in app folder. The virtual environment folder is excluded from file upload
Exiting because of an error: request returned 403

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Closing this, as it is a duplicate of: Cannot publish - Error message is: Exiting because of an error: request returned 403