WARNING: Could not find app `[...]` as one of your maintained apps

I get this warning while developing an app. The viktor-cli proposes renaming to another app that is already published. This is not a solution.
How do I solve this issue?

It also seems to suggest that there is no registered_name, but clearly shows replacing the value of registered_name with another value…

Hi Thomas,

Instead of having only a single development workspace we now create a dedicated development workspaces for each app. This mean that you no longer need to clear the database when switching between apps, allowing you to keep the testing data. Because of this you need to create a new app in the environment before you start developing one locally.

The warning indicates that the name in the config doesn’t correspond with apps that have been created in the environment. Did you already create an app with this name in the environment? If so, are you also assigned as a maintainer on that app?

Thanks Raoul.
Can you explain which of those options to use for an app that has already been developed locally? They all seem not applicable for this situation.

You can select ‘Maak een lege app’, you just need to fill the first page (name and description) and click ‘create and close’. After that you can insert your name of choice in the config file

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