viktor.errors.InternalError: Max value is 100

I am trying to have Viktor fill out an Excel form for us. It works fine for a completely empty input Excel template. When I use the file my colleague made it returns:
File "viktor\\external\\spreadsheet.pyx", line 557, in viktor.external.spreadsheet.render_spreadsheet File "viktor\\external\\spreadsheet.pyx", line 613, in viktor.external.spreadsheet._call_fill_spreadsheet_addon File "viktor\\core.pyx", line 1654, in viktor.core._post_on_addon_endpoint viktor.errors.InternalError: Max value is 100

What does viktor.errors.InternalError: Max value is 100 refer to?

Bump up for my question

Hi @thomasvdl ,

Thank you for reminding us of your question. This question is being referred to us internally to give a better answer, but while we are waiting, could you check the number of input that you have for the spreadsheet?

Thank you @mslootweg !
In the code I use columns A-T and one row number (10).
The error comes from a sheet that is not used.
I did some experiments. When the sheets we do not use are removed, it does not give the error, even with the ~200 columns in the template file.

Hmmm… It seems that this is an error response from Excel itself. We need to further investigate this with at least an example of an Excel sheet that fails. If you want us to further look into this, could you share an example of a failing Excel sheet?