Update button views i.r.t. steps

This issue contains two related issues:

  1. If there is no update button (duration <3s) and i go the next step. Everything will stay grayed out until the view of the previous step is loaded (which only loads when you go back to the previous step)

  2. If there is no update button, the view gets updated immediately. However if i have a table input and the users changes a lot of values. The views get a queue and starts lagging.

Solution for both:

Instead of creating a queue of jobs for the view. Clear the jobs after new input is added or if a user goes to the next step.
So there is always a maximum of 1 job for the view.

The maximum amount of wait time for the user should be equal to the duration of the end-point. Not n inputs changed * duration of the end-point.

Sometimes a view can take let’s say 2-3 seconds to load. If you insert 20 values to a table, the view takes about 1minute to load, instead of the expected 2-3 seconds.

In case of issue 1 (steps) it never loads.

Hi Johan,

Thank you for describing these issues. Are experiencing this in development or production?



Both in development and production.

I am trying to reproduce the first issue you mention where switching steps results in view that never loads. See the gif below:


Is this the procedure you describe to get in the state where the view doesn’t load? I haven’t been able to reproduce it yet. Could you share a gif or minimal working example?

Kind regards,


After some more private communication we managed to identify the problem and are currently implementing a fix.