Terminal frozen in development environment, not displaying “Reloading app…” message

Our application has stopped reloading and detecting code changes in our development environment (we are using VS Code).
We are not aware of any changes in the usual way we have been working during the past weeks. At some point, when starting VS Code, the Terminal and the viktor-cli start task that runs in the background, just shows the usual welcome message & versions, but no “App code loaded” & “Reloading” messages follow:

I’ve attempted to access the editor via dev workspace in the web, without success:

After going through the FAQ, I’ve made sure the “QuickEdit Mode” is disabled in the Command Prompt and Powershell.

The viktor-cli check-system showed everything as expected:

Having reviewed this recent Q&A post [Application stuck loading], I also executed viktor-cli install --connector 6.0.1 in a fresh terminal. The version of connector and some other packages were successfully downgraded. However, this wasn’t reflected in the VS Code terminal, which still showed “VIKTOR connector : v6.0.2”.

Any idea of how to fix this issue?

Thanks in advance for your time.