Using the viktor-cli start command used to take about 20 seconds and depending the internet speed a bit slower.
However since a few weeks it can take like 2-3 minutes. Now i don’t close the connection this often with the new workspaces for dev’s. But still.
The time in the screenshots is after the first line is printed (so 1 minute) but it takes about 1-2 minutes before the first line is printed.
Ter info:
I work abroad atm, but my internet speed is about 1200Mbps
Any idea what could cause this?
Hi @Johan_Tuls,
That sounds very annoying! The only thing I can say without more info about the app is that recently I had a somewhat similar question from another developer and it turned out his parametrization was massively slowing the loading process down. He was using a lot of lambda functions in his parametrization, which caused the error. While you situation is different (your app loads) I mention it to say this can be depending on your parametrization. Any big changes you made there recently?
No for collegues it only takes about 10 seconds.
I think, but that is a wild guess, that it has to do with having multiple desktops open in Windows. I just closed the other and now it started way faster… (still 20 seconds, but that is fine)