Scia and Dfoundation Development workers not working

Which tool versions are you using?

SDK: v14.4.0
Platform: v23.08.0
Python: v3.10.11
Isolation mode: venv

Current Behavior

Our development workers for Scia and Dfoundations stopped working. The workers show connected, the viktor platform does recognize the workers are running and we didn’t change any worker configuration in viktor. When we run a calculation, it says that the calculation is send to the worker but the worker does not receive any job as can be seen in the log below. last week, everything was working fine.

Expected Behavior

That the worker actually calculates stuff.

Context (optional, but preferred)

We run it on Windows 10, we updated all our workers to V5.3.2 but no luck yet. The programs them self are also functioning fine when we launch them.

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It seems like our production workers also have the same issue.

However, I can’t see the log of that worker, so can’t fully confirm. But I do see that a calculation that took a few seconds on Friday has now been open for a minute.

The same for us. The workers don’t recieve any jobs from the workspaces

Hi all,

One of the nodes in the cluster seems to have malfunctioned. All workloads have been transferred to another node, which means that the problem should be solved. Could you confirm?

We are currently investigating the cause of the malfunction.



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Thanks for the quick response. Our workers are receiving content again indeed.


Unfortunately, it appears that the problem is not fully resolved. We are currently looking into it and trying to resolve as quickly as possible

The platform version was temporarily rolled back to the previous release, while the issue is being fixed.