PlotlyView with scatterplot with fill pattern --> fill pattern not showed

Which tool versions are you using?

SDK: v13.7.1
Platform: v23.01.2
Python: v3.10.9
Isolation mode: venv

Current Behavior

When plotting a plotlyview with a scatterplot with a fill pattern the fill patern is not displayed.

When running the code example “standalone” the fillpattern is displayed.

    from shapely import wkt
    import plotly.graph_objects as go

    fig = go.Figure()

    p1 = wkt.loads("POLYGON ((6.448 -6.146, 6.448 0.371, 5.735 0.343, 5.735 -6.172, 6.448 -6.146))")
    p2 = wkt.loads(
        "POLYGON ((21.234 -6.58, 21.234 -6.579, 21.234 -5.579, 21.234 -5.58, 2.469 -6.292, 2.469 -7.292, 21.234 -6.58))"
    p3 = wkt.loads(
        "POLYGON ((5.735 0.343, 6.448 0.371, 6.448 -6.14102488675726, 5.735 -6.168078230748734, 5.735 0.343))"

    for polygon in (p1, p2, p3):
        x_values, y_values = zip(*polygon.exterior.coords)

                fillpattern=dict(fgcolor="red", fillmode="replace", shape="x"),

    return PlotlyView(fig.to_json())

Expected Behavior

it should look something like this:

Hi Wichard,

Thanks for reporting this, we will look into this.

A workaround for now is to use a WebView.

    @WebView('Plotly_web', duration_guess=1)
    def plotly_web(self, **kwargs):

        fig = go.Figure()
        some code to generate a figure
        return WebResult(html=fig.to_html())

This will render the figure correctly.