Personal scope on top level entities

Description of the limitation and why it is relevant to address

As an app designer, I want to add an editor to a top level entity in a tree-type app in such a way that the editor is not locked when another user is also in the same folder. This will allow us to create an overview of all the children present in that folder.

This is relevant for the VIKTOR platform because it gives designers more freedom to guide users through the top-level list of entities.

Submitter proposed design (optional)

It is already possible to create an editor with a childEntityManager of the top-level folder. However, since the scope is ‘everyone’, it is not possible for two users to use the editor at the same time. The editor is locked for the second user, which makes it unusable. If we can switch the scope to a ‘personal’ level so that everyone has their own editor, things will work.

Current workarounds

The current workaround is to create another entity type where we can make the overview. However, this does not really help with the user experience.