Overlapping an image to a map

Description of the limitation and why it is relevant to address

As a developer, I would like to be able to overlap images on the map.

Here is an example.
I would like to show a borehole map.
The relevant WMS query map is in PNG format that I would like to overlay on the map.

I think this is relevant for the VIKTOR app to expand the number of information can be visualized on a map.

Current workarounds

Alternatively - I could run ~50 WMS queries to GetFeatureInfo and then take the union set of all the results and visualize the point location with a marker, rather than running a single WMS query to get a map image like [this one].(https://map.bgs.ac.uk/arcgis/services/GeoIndex_Onshore/boreholes/MapServer/WmsServer?SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.3.0&REQUEST=GetMap&BBOX=0.09112930985183294308,52.20153900519193968,0.09975104018012376228,52.20843219438115312&CRS=CRS:84&WIDTH=1001&HEIGHT=800&LAYERS=Borehole.records&STYLES=&FORMAT=image/png&DPI=120&MAP_RESOLUTION=120&FORMAT_OPTIONS=dpi:120&TRANSPARENT=TRUE)

Hi Sonomirco,

Thanks for your feedback, I’ve forwarded this feature request to the platform team!

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Has there been any progress on this?

No there is no progress at the moment

Allthough it’s not possible to use WMS layers in the MapView or GeoJSONView, you create a leaflet map using folium and the WebView (this enables using WMS layers).

We have created a sample application here: https://demo.viktor.ai/public/wms-app
The source code of this app can be found here: https://github.com/viktor-platform/sample-WMS