OpenSeesPy Library


Is it possible to use OpenSeesPy library that modelling of the structural or geotechnical system help with coding in python. I am trying to modelling cross sections and structural system with the Python but I got this message when I tried to use OpenSeesPy library;

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘openseespy’

I do not know maybe I did something wrong but If this library can work structural analysis can be performed with this pay.


Okay, I guess I solved the problem. I thought, when I applied the “viktor-cli install” command, system will be called the all packages directly but i did not work. I added the OpenSeesPy as openseespy== to requirements.txt manually then this problem is fixed.


Yes, you need to add the dependencies of your app in requirements.txt. For more information please read: Fundamentals - Use Python packages | VIKTOR Documentation.

viktor-cli install will install the dependencies listed in requirements.txt

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