Notification banner for new application versions

Description of the limitation and why it is relevant to address

As an Administor I want to inform end-users that a new version of an application is published so that it is clear for end-users new features are available.

I think this is relevant for the VIKTOR platform because it improves communication between end-users and developers/admins

Submitter proposed design (optional)

Option to add a notification banner at the company workspaces, or adding a notification banner per workspace.

Another option could be to (optionally) automatically email the complete workspace-user group when a new app-version is published.

Current workarounds

Email users with each release

Hi Wichard,

Nice request, thank you for your input! It makes a lot of sense to ask for this, and to want to notify your users about new features. Although we don’t support a banner specifically (yet), I do think there is another workaround that might go a long way towards solving this problem: the welcome message in your workspace!

You could update that with a (strongly shortened) version of your changelog. This does require manual work but I don’t think you would necessarily want to update the user on every update (because there might be some updates with only e.g. additional tests written, or some cleaning/refactoring).

Would that solve (part of) your issue? Do you see any shortcomings to that approach?


Since I’m thinking more about this, it could be a good solution! Besides: another idea I’m playing with is to add a view only entity with the (complete) release notes. I could point that out from the welcome message to keep the notification clean.

The shortcomming I see now is that (if you can’t work with some highlighting color) people won’t notice. As I understand html tags are stripped out.

The benefit from pointing it out from the corparte workspaces page is that the interest is aroused of (potential) users who are using other applications.

apart from that, I have something to work on :slight_smile:



HTML does not work, but the welcome text can be stored in a separte file that contains straight markdown so bold, italics, underline, etc. I have, for another app, also included a hyperlink that then pointed to a pdf containing the manual. I stored that manual on a “make public” sharepoint location. Something similar could be done here.

Good luck!


just stumbled upon this topic and thought relevant to share: since October we have the possibility to download the user list of a workspace, enabling you to more easily send them an email.

go to the admin section of the workspace > Users > Bulk actions > Download Users