Misleading error message old cli: the provided email address and token are not registered at VIKTOR

Upgrade viktor-cli for improved error messages

We have recently made some important changes to our platform and in particular we added developer token expiration to further improve security for SSO environments. This might lead to some confusing error messages for developers using an old version of the viktor-cli.

In case you are still using an old version of the viktor-cli (older than v0.33.0), you might get the following message:

Exiting because of an error: the provided email address and token are not registered at VIKTOR. Please rerun the 'configure' command with valid credentials

We strongly suggest that you upgrade the viktor-cli to the latest version with improved error messaging. To upgrade it you can paste this into your terminal:

viktor-cli upgrade && viktor-cli version

It should say Version: v0.33.0 or higher (current version is v0.33.4)

To stay properly informed and keep up with the latest features and additions, make sure to upgrade your viktor-cli regularly.

In case the message persists even after upgrading the viktor-cli, please have a look at the FAQ in the docs