Memoize cache reset

Hey guys,

I have some questions regarding memoize:

1 - In production, does the cache automatically reset from time to time? For example, deleting what’s stored every day or every X hours.

2 - In the Docs it is said that “In production the storage is not limited to 10 function calls”. But what is the limit?

3 - Can we reset the cache manually?

Best regards,


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Hi @LeoPappas

  1. Cache is kept for 1 hour
  2. In production there is no limit
  3. No (production)

Kind regards,


Thanks, @khameeteman :smiley:

Do I understand correctly that the memoized data is always cleared after 1 hour?

So (in production) if I run a long (memoized) view-function at 9:00 and a colleague wants to see that view at 11:00, the memoize won’t be used?

(and if so, could you please add that to the documentation?)

That is correct!

We should indeed update our documentation, thanks for the suggestion.

Hi guys, we have updated the docs with the additional information.

Also with the latest SDK (v14.18.0) the memoize expiration has been increased to 24 hours and local storage is increased to 50 function calls.