Map Markers disappeared

Did anything change recently with the markers on a map? They used to show fine but don’t appear anymore.
I just did an upgrade of the cli, not sure if that is related.

Hi thomasvdl, do you have an example of your app code that shows how you are adding the markers so we can reproduce the bug?


@GeoJSONView('Kaart', duration_guess=1)
def map_view_monitoring(self, params, **kwargs):
    return GeoJSONResult({"type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [{"type": "Feature", "properties": {}, "geometry": {"coordinates": [4.9, 52.37], "type": "Point"}}]})

Hi, I am having the same problem. All my ‘Point’ features do not show anymore. ‘LineString’ items do. As far as I know, I did not upgrade anything… How can I fix this?

@fooyonghan @thomasvdl , did you find a fix?

Hi @janvandinther @thomasvdl, we reproduced it and are working on a fix. Will keep you guys updated.

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@fooyonghan Could you give an indication of when the fix will be provided?

@janvandinther As soon as possible within this week.

@janvandinther @thomasvdl We deployed a fix. Let us know if your problems are solved!

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Thank you. The markers do show again.

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@fooyonghan fixed, thank you for the support!

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