Make a flexible welcome page

Make a flexible welcome page

As a developer, I want to be more flexible at what to put on the welcome page of the app. I want so show maps, tables etc, based on the content in the entities of the app.

At the moment its only possible to add 6 lines of text with 500 characters, which is very restricting.

Hi @marliesbuijs ,

Thank you for this request.

@Enrique , I believe you will also be interested in the request?

Yes! hope this can be solved soon.

I note that this feature request looks similar:

With the latest platform release and SDK 14.19.0 we have added the possibility of skipping the dashboard. User can be automatically forwarded into a specific entity. This is not the direct feature request but enables you to skip this page in cases its less relevant.

Read more about it in the docs: Layout & styling - Navigation inside a workspace | VIKTOR Documentation

Tagging those for which i believe it could be valuable: @marliesbuijs, @Enrique