Limiting the access of a Internal workspace

Hi all,

Here is my business case.

I have got 2 workspaces that are based on 2 differents apps.
The code of these 2 apps are actually indentical.

Based on an environment variable value, App B will show a page that will not be display on the app A (Environment variables are define as the App level).

As of now, App A is set to INTERNAL and available to all our users.
App B is set to PRIVATE and available to a sub set of users.

We would like that users that have access to App B, cannot access App A.
And users that do not have access to App B, get acccess to App A.

Of course, we could set App A to PRIVATE, but we do not want the admin overhead that go with this workaround.

Is there a way to implement such a business case?

@mslootweg (as discussed).