Interruption table input with outupt date WebView

Sorry for the many “Bug reports” but as a dev I really appreciate when people complain, so I know what goes well and what doesn’t.
That having said:

If i have a table that i want to fill, I want to fill each cell by typing.
However if there is a view on the right that update, the typing gets interupted and the cursor deselects the cell. Which means there is a delay.

This could be fixed by adding a update button, but it would be have to have it responsive, allow the user to fill in the Table input eventhough the input is incomplete or incorrect.

(Btw no UserError or so is raised, as the view will show the Error messages as html view, so that doesn’t interupt it)

Hi @Johan_Tuls,

You are very welcome to “complain”, indeed the many bug reports are a sign of heavy usage and welcome feedback!

I am not sure I fully understand your question though, because as you indicate you can “fix” this reloading of the TableView by setting duration_guess on the view, which would lead to an “update view” button to appear when the params get updated. I think in your last alinea you are saying this isn’t a desirable fix but I can’t quite follow why, what do you mean with "allow the user to fill in the table input even though the input is incomplete or incorrect? That is already possible right?

The problem is, if a view updates automatically. And you are typing in a cell. The cell gets cleared and you lost your input.

So this is a bug. That doesn’t allow to type in a table input in a fast manner if the view that gets updated takes like 0.5-1.5 seconds.

Mmm I can’t really replicate that behaviour, are you working with a specific visualisation? Because if I set up a small test with a geometryview, typing in the table updates the view but does not clear the cell or unfocusses the table:


I tried to reproduce it, but sadly wasn’t able to. It seems to work okay now.
So not sure if it was due to latency, internet speed or other things. Just be aware of this behavoir, hopefully other people that experience the same problem can find this post if needed :slight_smile:
Thansk for the reply and help!