Geometry view does not show dynamo results


SDK: v14.19.0
Python: v3.10
Isolation mode: venv

I’m encountering an issue when using the geometry and data view together with a Dynamo Sandbox worker. Although there are no errors, and both the worker and the Dynamo input file function correctly, the geometry I intend to display is not appearing in the geometry view. It seems like the view is returning an empty geometry display. I can rotate the view, but the “center camera” and other functionalities are not responding.

The geometry is generated in Dynamo, as I’m receiving data results that rely on the geometry defined in the Dynamo file. Is there a limit on the size and/or complexity of the geometry view? The generated geometry is about 1000x400m with an AHN surface displayed in 3D.

Thanks in advance,

Hi Sven,

Thank you for your question. It is difficult to draw a conclusion based on the information you provide. If you click the ‘export as gltf’ option, is a file downloaded by your browser? What is the size of that file?

Would it be possible to send over a reference Dynamo file so we can check what is happening? It might be the case that the geometry from the Dynamo file is not recognized properly by the convert_geometry_to_glb method resulting in an empty file.



Found the solution, some geometry was to far away from each other so the view could not handle that. I placed everything closer to each other and now everything works perfectly fine!

I see, great to hear:)