Exiting because of an error: could not determine Python version: exit status 103

Which tool versions are you using?

SDK: v14.8.0
Platform: v0.33.5
Python: v3.9.13
Isolation mode: venv

Current Behavior

When Running the command viktor-cli install I get the error:
Exiting because of an error: could not determine Python version: exit status 103
despite the fact that python 3.9 is correctly installed and my path is correctly set up - running python app.py produces missing module error, but still runs the code.

Expected Behavior

The app installs correctly and I can resume work on the project

Context (optional, but preferred)

I saw a related issue where the problem was solved by reinstalling python not from the Microsoft store, but from the official installer - I tried that but it didn’t work, tried resetting the PC completely and reinstalling Windows, also didn’t work. I have attached screenshots for clarity - please let me know if there is more info needed! Thank you <3

Could you try running viktor-cli check-system and see what the result is?

Hi Daniel, here is the result:

:thinking: could you show me what the viktor.config.toml looks like?


# For all available configuration settings, please go to:
#   https://docs.viktor.ai/docs/create-apps/references/viktor-config-toml

app_type = 'editor'
# assets_path = 'assets'
# packages = []
python_version = '3.9'  # '3.9' | '3.10' | '3.11' | '3.12.2'
# welcome_text = 'welcome.md'

When I try to run viktor-cli start, I get the error:
Exiting because of an error: app is not (properly) installed

Hi Joshua, could you try to manually remove the venv directory that is present and reinstall the app?

That fixed the issue, thank you so much!

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