During configuration of viktor-cli I am unable to change the path of my local python 3 installation. Earlier I have successfully configured viktor-cli with python 3.10, however I want viktor-cli to run on python 3.7. I have uninstalled viktor-cli, uninstalled python 3.10, installed python 3.7 and added it to my path.
When configuring viktor-cli the suggested path is that of python 3.10 (this folder not existing after unistalling python 3.10):
Please supply the path to the containing folder in which your local Python3 installation (python.exe on Windows) resides (press enter to skip and keep current): [? for help] (C:\Users*****\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310)
Since the suggested folder is non-existend I manually supply the folder of python 3.7, after which I receive the following error:
Please supply the path to the containing folder in which your local Python3 installation (python.exe on Windows) resides (press enter to skip and keep current): C:\Users*****\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37
Exiting because of an error: unable to generate a configuration file
I have already tried reinstalling all the used software, but I keep receiving the same error.
Is there any way to soolve this problem?