Error inable to generate a configuration file

During configuration of viktor-cli I am unable to change the path of my local python 3 installation. Earlier I have successfully configured viktor-cli with python 3.10, however I want viktor-cli to run on python 3.7. I have uninstalled viktor-cli, uninstalled python 3.10, installed python 3.7 and added it to my path.

When configuring viktor-cli the suggested path is that of python 3.10 (this folder not existing after unistalling python 3.10):

Please supply the path to the containing folder in which your local Python3 installation (python.exe on Windows) resides (press enter to skip and keep current): [? for help] (C:\Users*****\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310)

Since the suggested folder is non-existend I manually supply the folder of python 3.7, after which I receive the following error:

Please supply the path to the containing folder in which your local Python3 installation (python.exe on Windows) resides (press enter to skip and keep current): C:\Users*****\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37
Exiting because of an error: unable to generate a configuration file

I have already tried reinstalling all the used software, but I keep receiving the same error.
Is there any way to soolve this problem?

Hi Rick,

I think the fastest solution is to manually change the python path in the configuration file itself. The location of the configuration file is C:\Users\<username>\.viktor\configuration. You can open the file with a text editor.

Let me know if this fixes the problem.



Hi Raoul,

Thank you for your fast reply! Changing the path did not fix the problem, but removing the file and reinstalling viktor cli did!

Thanks a lot!



Nice Rick, just today I managed to help someone install because of the solution you posted here.

Thanks for that!!