Error creating new folder when sending files through worker

I am sending some files to the server using a generic worker.
The files consists of two individual files and then x number of folders with files in them.
If the folders already exist, then the worker runs correctly, however if the folders dont exist then i get a ERROR WRITE_ERROR: Write error 2.

Manually I can make these folders, and the worker is run using administrator rights, thus it shouldn’t be a rights issue.

Can anyone enlighten me with why I’m not able to send folders?

Thanks in advance

Hi Natalie,

I believe we never had the use case of sending folders instead of files before, so this is also not what the worker code is expecting. Why it DOES work when the folder already exists is also not clear to me at this moment (bug or feature?).

Can you elaborate on why you would prefer sending folders instead of files?

I am running a script and dfoundation, which runs all input files within a folder. i want to keep my models seperate, also as i use standard text files per model that have the same name.

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I will make a workaround for now, but hope that this functionality can be added