Easier way to generate the current link of the entity

Description of the limitation and why it is relevant to address

As a developer I want to have an easier way of generating a url link to the current entity so that I can reference this link in reports or so that this specific app, workspace and entity was used to run the calculation. This makes it easier for people to trace back the source of the report and calculation.

I think this is relevant for the VIKTOR platform because it helps with creating tools that are more traceable.

Submitter proposed design (optional)

Add a functionality to the VIKTOR SDK’s API.

Current workarounds

Concatenate the url, e.g.:

ENVIRONMENT_NAME = "my_organization"

def get_entity_url(params, entity_id, **kwargs):
    workspace_id = get_workspace_id() # write function that retrieves this in some sort of way
    url = f"https://{ENVIRONMENT_NAME}.viktor.ai/workspaces/{workspace_id}/app/editor/{entity_id}"

Feature request for workspace id: Possibility to fetch workspace_id from code (or deeplink to entity) - #2 by Daniel

Requested by

V. Badugu and co. of Gulf…