Dev environment per app, some apps missing

First of all, the steps you are taking towards local databases per app will help, especially as the storage is also kept (copy paste to development wasn’t a problem, but you always had to run new calculations each time).

However there are two issues:

  • Not all apps are in the list to choose from (registered-names) Most likely because it is new etc.

    In the picture above the anchor-fatigue doesn’t have a button and isn’t present in the cli

  • What if i just want to develop, without being a maintainer, without having an app build etc. Is that still possible?

The reason was it was the only app that I wasn’t the maintainer off… can admins just get acces to all apps? Or could there be a batch edit option for app meta data like maintainers?

This count for Variables, maintainers etc.

Hi Johan,

To give answer to your observation that not all registered-names of the apps are available for you. That is because one needs to be a maintainer of the application if you want to have a dedicated developer workspace for that given app.

And, to add to your other point: to have access to a developer workspace requires of you to be at least maintainer of one app. Therefore, in the case where you want as admin of an environment to let developers develop on the environment, but not be maintainer of specific/any apps, you could create a dedicated “development” app, and add all those developers to that app as maintainer, for example.

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Hi Johan,

Storage is tied to the development workspace of each app.

If you would like to update multiple apps you could use the REST API. I see the apps endpoints haven’t been included yet in the documentation that is online at the moment, but we can help you out with a script if needed.

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@mslootweg @rdejonge I have to say it is a really nice improvement!
We already had copy paste to dev environment, but we always had to commit, stop de cli, clear the database, start the app and paste the project of the user.

Now it is only copy paste production to dev. So I am glad you made this possible!


That is nice to hear Johan!