Connection problems

Which SDK and Platform version are you using?

SDK: v12.x.x
Platform: v4.5.1

Current Behavior

Connection problems. I have partly started the app and no it says:
(‘Could not connect to Viktor Platform for manifest:’, ‘Malformed connection’)
Error with manifest, not re-applied

And restarting the app now says:
2021/11/22 07:57:29 Error 3
2021/11/22 07:57:29 No message
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 1, in
File “viktor_connector/connector.pyx”, line 191, in init connector
OSError: Not authorized.

Expected Behavior

Connection to platform

Context (optional, but preferred)

I reinstalled the app already, but didn’t fixed it.

— EDIT —
After re-running the command: viktor-cli configure, the problem seems to be solved.

Great that it is working again! The error that is posted is quite broad. To understand the error a bit better, here is a list of where the problem potentially could lie when you experience this error:

  • Connector
  • Container networking
  • Local network
  • Internet
  • Platform server side

It is therefore difficult to pinpoint your issue specifically.

We are working on making this error communication more specific and clearer.

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