Apps API documantation

There is now a nice working API system but I found out that I can also access the apps using the api. Can that also be in the documentation so I can use that more easy

Hi Tim,

We have recently added the documentation of our REST API so that developer can more freely interact with our platform from anywhere.

Within the (python) SDK we already had a simple API(v1) module that provides a clean interface with access to the data within an app (see Share data between entities using the API for further info). We are currently working on expanding this API module and with that we will also update the relevant documentation.

Could you elaborate on what kind of information you are missing from the documentation? Or could it be that the information is there, but it is too difficult to find?


This pertains to the REST API docs
The provided snippet represents the response obtained from a GET request to the root of the API. It lists several endpoints:

    "entity_types": "",
    "entities": "",
    "storage": "",
    "files": "",
    "users": "",
    "devs": "",
    "actions": "",
    "workers": "",
    "workspaces": "",
    "public/workspaces": "",
    "public/labels": "",
    "apps": "",
    "labels": ""

That this represents only a portion of the API’s capabilities. There’s a wealth of additional functionalities.

Thank you for the clarification.

Indeed, the current REST API documentation only shows a portion of the available API end-points. We have prioritized publishing the documentation for the current set of end-point as we believe these would provide the most value for the time being.

However, we are planning to iteratively add additional end-points to the documentation to make it more complete. Are there specific resources/end-points that you are particularly interested in to get documented?


Thank you for the clarification. It’s excellent to hear that you’re prioritizing documentation for the most valuable API end-points initially. However, it would be highly beneficial to expand the documentation iteratively to include additional end-points.

Developers who are not really experienced with APIs, databases, and data storage would probably not look further than the documentation. However, there is a lot of potential in using an API.

Thank you for your efforts in continually improving the API documentation to better serve the developer community.

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