Add an issue/bug tracker to apps

Description of the limitation and why it is relevant to address

As a user I want to report issues, bugs or feature requests directly in de app workspace so that i don’t have to lookup who is the developer and have to email him.

I think this is relevant for the VIKTOR platform because it is easier for both the end-user as the developer. It also creates an overview for other end-users

Submitter proposed design (optional)

add an issue/bug tracker per application workspace with a “like” feature to measure priorities.

Current workarounds

Email a dedicated lead-developer.

Hi Wichard,

thanks for this feature request, I’ve added it in our internal issue tracker.

related: at the moment we’re working on a feature that makes it possible for users to report problems to developers when they encounter the “something went wrong” situation (uncaught exceptions). this will probably land in the july platform release.

Hi @Wichard, there’s an update on this. We are currently working on a generic means for end-users to contact developers (via the “help” menu in the workspace), such that users can also get into contact if they don’t encounter an unexpected error.

would you be interested to see some initial designs and discuss them?
kind regards,

I would love to hear more about it!

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We have started development on this and expect to release in the near future

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This has been released. Read more about it in our February highlights blog.