Ability to set sizes of cells in table view

Description of the limitation and why it is relevant to address

As a user of the VIKTOR platform, I want to set custom sizes for table cells so that I can control the layout and prevent cells from auto-scaling or overflowing, leading to a more organized and readable presentation of data.

This is relevant for the VIKTOR platform because it gives users more flexibility in how they display tabular data. Auto-scaling can sometimes lead to poorly formatted tables, especially when dealing with large datasets or varied content. By allowing custom cell sizes, users can ensure that their tables are displayed consistently and clearly, improving data readability and overall user experience.

We have a table view on one of our pages that displays static content to the user, regarding the different kinds of materials used in each of our material libraries - the cells do not allow for overflow, so the content is cut short - on hover of the cell, the user can see the entire text, but we would like all of the text to be visible from the get-go.