Unexpected error during GenericAnalysis execution with Dynamo integration

Hello Marcel

I think the generic analysis issue has been solved. Here is what I entered into the worker’s config file:

    path: 'C:\Users\*username*\viktor-worker\DynamoSandbox\DynamoWPFCLI.exe'
    - '-o'
    - 'input.dyn'
    - '-v'
    - 'output.xml'
    - '--GeometryPath'
    - 'C:\Program Files\Autodesk\FormIt' 
    - '-g'
    - 'geometry.json'
    workingDirectoryPath: 'C:\Users\*username*\viktor-worker'
maxParallelProcesses: 1 # must be one, please do not change

I placed the Dynamo Sandbox download in a “viktor-worker” folder under my user name. The code fails at the following line where the output file is to be converted to a glb using the convert_geometry_to_glb method. See the error below:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "viktor_connector\connector.pyx", line 295, in connector.Job.execute
  File "viktor\core.pyx", line 1926, in viktor.core._handle_job
  File "viktor\core.pyx", line 1911, in viktor.core._handle_job._handle_view
  File "viktor\views.pyx", line 1944, in viktor.views.View._wrapper
  File "C:\Users\Bayonle\viktor-apps\my-dyn-app\app.py", line 72, in geometry_and_data_view
    glb_file = convert_geometry_to_glb(geometry_file)
  File "viktor\external\dynamo.pyx", line 261, in viktor.external.dynamo.convert_geometry_to_glb
  File "viktor\external\dynamo.pyx", line 240, in viktor.external.dynamo.convert_geometry_to_glb._add_path_to_scene        
  File "C:\Users\Bayonle\viktor-apps\my-dyn-app\venv\Lib\site-packages\viktor\_vendor\trimesh\path\path.py", line 104, in __init__
  File "C:\Users\Bayonle\viktor-apps\my-dyn-app\venv\Lib\site-packages\viktor\_vendor\trimesh\path\path.py", line 608, in merge_vertices
    points = grouping.merge_runs(inverse[entity.points])
IndexError: index 5 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 5
2023-08-22 17:02:26.021 INFO    : Connection closed after KeyboardInterrupt