Not sure how to publish. What is an App?

Hi. I’m a little bit confuse with the publish process.
In the documentation it says that we have to use the command

viktor-cli publish --registered-name <NAME> [--app-dir] [--tag]

The registered name is the name of an app but if i use the command viktor-cli apps there isnt any app, but in my workspace i have this.

I thought that test-publish and geoyap were apps, but in the CLI the table of apps shows nothing.


You are very much on the right track by checking your apps through the viktor-cli apps command. The reason your result is an empty list is (probably) because you have not been given the rights to publish. You can get those rights from the admin of the environment, which from the first screenshot appears to be: you!

So, if you go to Administrator → Users → Find your own user account in the list, click the three dots → Edit → go to step 2 “Access” → Check the box that says “Allow publishing”

Now when you give the command viktor-cli apps you should see the list filled, and you are able to publish your app.

To directly answer your question:

  • An app is the logic that you wrote
  • A workspace is an instance of an app with a set of users and a database

Hope that helps.

thanks!, it worked.

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