Hi Kevin,
Thanks for your elaborated answer!
Just a follow-up: for now we decided to not use a Viktor-to-Revit connection, but .ifc export from Viktor and then import to Revit. Viktor-to-Revit connection may be a nice addition for future.
For those who are interested, this is a snapshot of the code to write an .ifc file, store in Viktor Storage, and download:
Write an .ifc file:
# Create a new IFC file
ifc = ifcopenshell.file(schema='IFC2X3')
# Create an IfcOwnerHistory
person = ifc.createIfcPerson(GivenName='John', FamilyName='Doe')
organization = ifc.createIfcOrganization(Name='Example Organization')
person_and_org = ifc.createIfcPersonAndOrganization(ThePerson=person, TheOrganization=organization)
# ...
# other ifc writing thing ...
# ...
Use a temporary file for ifc.write() and store the file in Storage:
# Use a temporary file for ifc.write()
# ifc.write() to local directory produces an error after publishing
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.ifc', delete=False) as tmp_file:
temp_file_path = tmp_file.name # Get the temporary file path
ifc_file = File.from_path(temp_file_path)
Storage().set("ifc_as_str_" + building.name + ".ifc", data=ifc_file, scope='entity')
# Delete the temporary file
file_obj = Storage().get("ifc_as_str_" + building.name + ".ifc", scope='entity')
print("file_obj.source test in def write_ifc_file_into_storage for ", building.name, ": ", file_obj.source)
And then use the code in this post for .ifc download:
Storage from_path storing and downloading a file