Access the filetype from a viktor File object

I have an entity that can be created based on several different filetypes (.csv, .xls and .xlsx), and I want to be able to know the filetype as the processing of the file is different in each case.

Is it possible to access the filename/extension of the file that is uploaded, during the paramsfromfile? In that case I could do the appropriate processing straight away or save the file type in a hiddenfield for later use. However, I donโ€™t think I can access the file type from the viktor File object directly?

Or do I need to wait until after upload? In that case what would be the most robust way to detect the file-type? I am currently just using as that includes the extension, but the user can rename the entity after upload so that does not seem robust.

Hi Paulien,

Thanks for posting on the forum.

The process_file method can have the entity_id argument. This allows you to retrieve information of the entity through the API.

def process_file(file: File, entity_id: int, **kwargs) -> dict:
    file_name = API().get_entity(entity_id).name
    extension = file_name.split(".")[-1]

However, it is not always correct to assume that the provided filename including extension is correct. Any user can change the file-extension to something arbitrary and then upload this file, which would break your logic.

This should either be made very clear to the End-User, or you could to base your file parsing workflow on the file content rather than the file name.

e.g. When deciding whether to parse a .GEF CPT file or a .XML CPT file, one could check the file content whether it contains particular <xml tags> and choose the correct parsing strategy accordingly.

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Iโ€™m hitting this problem again, however in this case I would like to upload multiple files at once and be able to select one of them trough the name / extension

In this case, the workaround is for the user to upload the files as a single zip, and unzip them upon upload. However, that means I canโ€™t use the entity name to distinguish the files, fortunately the zipfile package allows you to access the filename.

The code then looks as follows:

    uploaded_files = API().get_entity(entity_id).get_file()

    with zipfile.ZipFile(BytesIO(uploaded_files.getvalue_binary())) as zipped_files:
        files = []
        for uploaded_file in zipped_files.filelist:
            files.append({"file": File.from_data(, "name": uploaded_file.filename})

You now have a list with dicts with both the file and the filename, and you can process your files accordingly